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In Full Bloom

Dear Escuela de Guadalupe Community,

It is the week after our children, teachers, and staff have returned from Easter break, and what a wonderful change I sense in the air! It’s clear that this is the time of year for renewal and fresh starts. At Escuela, we can see and feel the signs of Spring – and not just in our school garden run by Miss Miriam and Mr. Al - rather, in the growth and progress our students display. As I watch them tumble out of their cars in the morning drop off line, backpacks and lunch pails in hand and happily greeting their friends, I can’t help but notice how much they’ve grown since the start of the school year. And as I walk through the hallways, stopping into their classrooms to say hello and watch them learn, it’s clear how day by day, our students are becoming little leaders ready to show the world their many talents.

This year, we are experiencing a “full bloom” in its truest form: the graduation of our first ever 8th grade class! Many of the students from this grade started at Escuela in Kindergarten, and even for those who came later, we can all testify to the amazing growth they’ve shown us as members of our strong community. Just before the Easter break, those same 8th graders made their final decisions on where they are to attend high school. It was a special moment as they all came to school on April 12th, wearing t-shirts representing their high school of choice, proudly walking the halls and ready to take on this new adventure. It makes me think of all the meticulous preparation and hard work that went into entering this unique time in their life, ensuring that each student was ready for their high school placement exams. It reminded me of the days we felt their absence as they visited their schools of interest, making sure that the school was a right fit. Finally, I look forward the feeling of immense pride we will all have at their graduation in June, when we witness them process into Presentation of Our Lady Church and watch them receive their diplomas before Archbishop Rodriguez and all of the parents, siblings, family, Escuela teachers and staff, and Escuela partners – that were instrumental in the success of each of these children. It’s a moment we have waited 20 years to see. . . and our 8th grade class is a living example of what happens when you cultivate the mind of a child. Just like the seeds you carefully water in your garden months before the spring time, the small joy you feel at seeing your flowers bloom is a tiny reminder of what it feels like to watch our first of many future 8th grade classes move on to bigger and better things. It’s a tradition we are all excited to begin here at Escuela de Guadalupe, and it could not be possible without the help of our amazing community who has stood by us always.

We are so proud to announce that of our (21) 8th graders:

(10) will attend Arrupe Jesuit High School

(9) will attend Regis Jesuit High School

(1) will attend North High School

(1) will attend Holy Family High School

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the many who helped reaching this milestone a reality for the children and families of Escuela de Guadalupe! This Easter, my prayer is that you enjoyed a lovely time with your family, resting and reflecting on the joy in the months to come.

With Compassion and Humility,

Mariella Robledo

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