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From the President's Desk

QUESTION (Mr. Paul): “Who is God going to send to take care of the Earth now that Adam and Eve have passed on??” (The hands of about half of the students go up, ready to venture an answer.)

ANSWER (Angel, Kindergarten): “ME!”

Somehow, on the cool and cloudy Friday morning of April 28th, I ended up in an urban park in Denver with 13 students, from Kindergarten to 6th grade, picking up trash, and trying to avoid falling into a swamp. One of many groups, we also had students, parents, teachers, and volunteers all over the city—passing out food, removing graffiti, reading and playing with veterans, gardening—you name it! We walked and rode public buses to Regis University, Bessie's Hope, Denver Parks, Denver Veteran Medical Center, Lambuth Family Center Salvation Army, Delores Project, Extreme Community Makeover, Christ in the City, Jewish Family Services Disability Network, Laradon Hall Society for Exceptional Children School, and the Action Center. Why? Because it was “Sr. Susan Swain Service Day 2017!”

Sr. Susan was born and grew up in Maplewood, Missouri, entering the Sisters of Loretto in 1963. Sr. Susan was a woman of great dedication, faith and love. She committed herself to do the good works of the Sisters of Loretto, and was well suited to the Sisters’ ministry of educating children. She recognized the unique needs of the North Denver community in the late nineties and brought her expertise in education to the founding mission and vision of Escuela de Guadalupe. She made it her life’s mission to educate children—impacting young lives and creating opportunities for children, especially those of limited means. "Those of us who really educate children with our hearts respect the culture and the language of these kids,” she said.

Years ago, Sr. Susan was very sick. On the same day the whole school was scheduled to go out serve in the community, they received a phone call that she had passed away. The assembled students were informed of Susan’s passing and entered immediately into prayer for Sr. Susan and her family. The decision was made to continue with the plan for the day—to do service projects in the community, as a way to honor our beloved Sr. Susan. Ever since then, to honor and recognize the extraordinary service of her daily life, the students, faculty and staff of Escuela de Guadalupe dedicate a full day of service to our community each year, named “Sr. Susan Swain Service Day”.

Sr. Susan deeply understood, the words of Santa Teresa of Ávila:

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” (Teresa of Ávila)

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

Then Sr. Susan, students of Escuela de Guadalupe, and {your name here} said, “HERE I AM! SEND ME.”

(Isaiah 6:8)


Paul F. Dull


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