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Escuela de Guadalupe 2016 Annual Report Released

Dear Friends,

It usually only takes about ten minutes in a school to discern the predominant culture.

As the new kid on the block, I am happy to report that Escuela’s is— without a doubt—one of love and learning.

At a recent basketball game, a parent of one of our players welcomed me—and with light in her eyes and in front of her shy but smiling daughter—she shared with me her appreciation of Escuela. At her previous school her daughter’s grades were mediocre and she struggled with the competitive, sometimes catty, nature of her peers. Here at Escuela, she told me, the love among the staff and students alike make it a place where her child thrives academically, socially, and spiritually. There it was. The “L” word in education. Even though it’s not a word traditionally used in academia, it is the deep-seated knowledge and intuition in the heart of every parent and educator: “Love” is the best environment in which to learn.

Over the course of my first month as President, I have had the pleasure and privilege of witnessing first-hand the innovative practices of our teachers as they move our students towards biliteracy across all subjects. I have seen our faculty teaching social-emotional skills with patience and love, laying the foundation for how our children will walk into the world—preparing them to act as compassionate leaders in their homes and communities. I have seen our dedicated staff work to forge partnerships to advance our mission of making quality, dual-language Catholic education financially accessible to families throughout the Denver area.

I am humbled by the opportunity to be part of this community and am ready to put my hand and heart to the plow to serve this mission, supported by the goodness, prayers, and generosity of all of you.

I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you in the coming months. In the meantime, I’m excited to be able to share our latest Annual Report (here), which highlights all of the school’s accomplishments during the 2015-2016 Academic Year. I hope you will find it as inspiring as I do.


Paul F. Dull


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