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Escuela de Guadalupe's 2014-2015 Annual Report Released

Greetings from west Denver! The past year will no doubt go down as one of the most exciting in Escuela de Guadalupe’s history. In June we moved to 660 Julian Street and in no time at all, it has become our home. Most importantly, this move enables us to expand and serve more deserving students with a quality education.

As we speak we are conducting admissions visits for pre-kindergarten and 6th grade – grades that we will serve for the first time in fall 2016. By fall 2018, our expansion will be complete and we will serve grades PreK through 8 with up to 220 students.

To support this vision and with the encouragement of our community, we initiated Escuela de Guadalupe’s first major gifts campaign, Raise Your Hand! We set an ambitious goal of $4 million and secured $2.2 million by June 30th. With your help, we also raised $1.1 million for our annual fund. It was an incredible year in so many ways!

The founding vision of this school was that it would be accessible to any family, and that the economic status of a child would not determine his/her ability to succeed. This vision is as relevant today as it was in 1999. The support we receive continues to make possible one simple goal: to deliver a high quality, faith-formative and culturally relevant education to deserving children.

You helped us to do this, once again.

As the success of our students continues to provide evidence of the fulfillment of this vision, it is you we have to thank. Your belief and support is developing compassionate leaders for the world of tomorrow. We hope you enjoy our annual report, which can viewed in it's entirety here.


David Card

President of Escuela de Guadalupe

Note: To request a printed copy of the 2014-2015 Annual Report, please contact Michelle Wagner at (303) 964-0816 or

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